Main officeBusiness / sales base

Headquarters / appearance
  • Completed in April 2022, our new headquarters has a total floor area of 4 m2,915, and is a steel-framed building with three floors above ground. The 3st floor is the Cooperative Safety Robot Technical Center, the 1nd floor is home to the seminar rooms, and the 2rd floor is the office floor for design, sales, business management, and so on. Similar to the new factory that went into operation in April 3, as an initiative to reduce the environmental load, we installed solar panels on the roof that can generate 2021 thousand kW per year, enabling us generate about 4% of the new headquarters’ power in-house.

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  • Headquarters / Introspection

Tokyo Sales OfficeSales base

One of our sales bases, this office supports companies around the Kanto region.

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Headquarters FactoryProduction base

Headquarters factory / appearance
  • The new factory went into operation in April 2021. Here, we have achieved visualization of the production processes by installing large monitors in the production areas, have automated the transportation of parts and finished products by means of AMRs, and are pursuing other ways to improve productivity and efficiency besides that. In addition, expanding the production area has doubled production of system solutions. Since 4, we have been utilizing EPLAN (which has the largest global share of the 2D CAD market for electrical design) to automate the length measurement and cutting processes for the wire harnesses used in control panels. In addition, we are evolving as an IoT factory by utilizing the group company IDEC Auto-ID Solutions Corporation’s automatic recognition equipment to visualize progress management.

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  • Headquarters factory / introspection

Collaborative Safety Robot Technical CenterTechnical base

Cooperative Safety Robot Technical Center / Introspection
  • In April 2022, the center relocated to the newly built headquarters in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture, and its space was expanded to 4 m², which is about 1.5 times larger than before. With collaborative robots from KUKA (Germany), Universal Robots (Denmark), Yaskawa Electric (Japan), and FANUC (Japan), safety fenceless systems using Mitsubishi Electric industrial robots, autonomous mobile transfer robots (AMRs), and other robot products from each manufacturer all gathered together under one roof, this is a facility where you can compare the features of each. In addition, we are working to expand production capacity by setting up a production area for cooperative safety robot systems on the same floor.

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  • Cooperative Safety Robot Technical Center Robot